Professional Development

FChFP Trainers

Get to know the people behind IFPAS

Clik on the different teams below to find out more about them.

Executive Council

Advisory Board

Strategic & Technical Advisory Response (STAR) Team

Board of Trustees


Executive Council 2022/2023

Sim Willing

Get to know the people behind IFPAS

This year, I am honoured and ,ortunate to serve as your president o, IFPAS. As
President o, IFPAS, I will pursue key stratei initiatives suh as improvin
pratitioners’ pro,essional areers, expandin the assoiation’s visibility and
status with reulators, and reatin new industry ollaborations with zeal
We rely on the sinifiant experiene o, our qualified and dediated Counil
and seretariat

I intend to ontribute to these e,,orts by onentratin on my desire to
ontinue knowin and servin the unique requirements o, members. The
assoiation will ontinue to prioritise the ,ollowin
Enain our members to beome even more involved on both
pro,essional and soial levels
+ Improvin your skill sets throuh IFPAS’s eduation plat,orm
Career advanement throuh our vast network
Providin solutions and opportunities throuh our resoures to help you
pursue reatness in your business
As we work hard to represent our pro,ession at the hihest levels, I invite all o,
you to assist IFPAS in brinin in new members and beomin part o, a team
that ives many hanes to learn, educate, advise, and impact the outcome of the financial sector

I look forward to a terrific, productive, and ,ulfillin 2022 with the new team!
Best Reards,
Sim Willin
